

As fire seasons are becoming more severe and prolonged, the need for wildfire experts in research and management is urgent. Advanced education in wildfire studies will increase recognition of wildfire as an academic discipline and will create our researchers and leaders of tomorrow.

TRU Wildfire establishes a clear educational pathway for those seeking a long-term career in wildfire.

In collaboration with the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS), TRU is developing university curriculum that will offer a broad educational experience in wildfire studies. The program will stand as an independent and distinct discipline—a first in Canada—that is anticipated to range from certificates and diplomas to undergraduate and graduate degrees.

For wildland firefighters with existing training and experience, TRU’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) system can create pathways to apply for academic credit towards certificates, diplomas and degrees.

TRU Wildfire operates the Centre for Wildfire Research, Education, Training and Innovation and it’s integrated approach will ensure that the latest in research, training and innovation will be available to continually update curriculum.

Planning the university curriculum is in early stages and will follow TRU’s program development and approval processes, in addition to working with BCWS.

Vision for research-informed training and education
