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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Parking Terms and Conditions

Thompson Rivers University (TRU) has contracted with Concord Parking Ltd. to enforce parking regulations and provide parking services on the Kamloops campus. By parking on campus, you agree to the parking terms and conditions of TRU and Concord Parking Ltd. as posted in the parking lots and as listed below on this website.

If you park here but do not pay for parking or do not follow the instructions noted on this website and on signage posted on the property, you agree to pay the violation amount of $100 per day or portion thereof, plus applicable taxes and fees. Your vehicle may be subject to being issued a parking violation notice and/or being towed at the owner/operator’s sole risk and expense. By parking on this property, you also grant permission to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) to provide registered owner information (including name and address) of the vehicle you parked to Concord Parking Ltd. and/or its agents for the purpose of collecting unpaid parking fees and violation notice fees, including any additional cost incurred in the collection process. Concord Parking Ltd. and Thompson Rivers University accept no responsibility for your vehicle or its contents. Please remove all items, use an anti-theft device, and lock your vehicle.

The consumption or possession of alcohol in open containers is prohibited anywhere on TRU property except as permitted by law or as expressly authorized by TRU. Use of cannabis is prohibited except for medicinal consumption in designated smoking areas of the campus.

Privacy notice

TRU collects, uses, discloses and retains personal information in compliance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

TRU has contracted with Concord Parking Ltd. to provide parking services at TRU. The Concord Parking Ltd. services include the CTRL Online Permit Portal and SMRTPass. Your personal information is being collected in order for you to use TRU parking services. This collection is authorized by section 26(c) of FIPPA. TRU and Concord Parking Ltd. share your personal information necessary for providing parking services through this portal and SMRTPass for the purpose of facilitating parking transactions with you, to allow verification of your identity, and to contact and communicate with you regarding parking services. By purchasing parking, you consent to TRU and Concord Parking Ltd. collecting your personal information necessary for the purposes above. TRU recommends that you review the Concord Parking Ltd. privacy notice.

For information on TRU parking terms and conditions, services and how your personal information is being collected visit the website or contact TRU parking at, by phone at 250-828-5368.

Pay parking and enforcement

All motor vehicles parked on the Kamloops campus must have a registered permit to parking on campus. Pay parking by e-permit or daily parking is in effect Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (including mid-semester breaks and exam periods). There is no charge for parking in the evenings after 5 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday, and on recognized statutory holidays and university closures. All permits are verified through licence plate numbers expect in the case of specialty permits and day passes issued through the TRU parking office.

Parking charges are for the licensed use of parking space only and are subject to the rights and restrictions associated with your selected permit rates and location.

A vehicle in violation of TRU's parking terms and conditions is subject to a parking violation and may be ticketed and/or towed. Please see Parking Violations for more information.

Operation of motor vehicle prohibitions
  1. No person shall park any vehicle upon any part of campus property except in accordance with the authorization granted by a valid parking permit.
  2. Except as specifically authorized by a valid parking permit, no person shall park a vehicle alongside any building on campus property.
  3. No person shall park, stand, or operate a vehicle, motorcycle, moped or motor scooter on sidewalks, paths, loading zones, landscaped areas, or no person shall park or stand a motor vehicle within five meters of a fire hydrant on campus property.
  4. Parking is prohibited on roads and roadways, entrances, and exits to/from parking lots, emergency fire lanes, sidewalks, grassy areas, in front of stairways and in any other spots clearly not marked as a designated parking space.
  5. No person may move, disfigure, or in any way tamper with any traffic or parking control signs, posted or erected on campus property.
  6. No person shall park a motor vehicle in a space on campus property in such a manner that the vehicle is not parked wholly within the lines designated for the parking space.
  7. No person shall park a vehicle in a reserved parking area or stall on campus at any time without a valid parking permit for that area.
  8. Any vehicle parked without a valid permit, parking in a non-parking space, or impeding travel or pedestrian walkways will be subject to a ticket and/or towing without warning at the owner's risk and expense.
  9. Any vehicle parked without insurance or with multiple outstanding ticket violations will be subject to towing without warning at the owner’s risk and expense and/or suspension of parking privileges at TRU.
Tiered parking permits

There are four different types of permits that can be purchased for parking at TRU – economy, general, premium, and reserved. Visit the parking permits page for more information. Parking charges are for the licensed use of parking space only and are subject to the rights and restrictions associated with your selected permit rates and location.

Economy parking

The purchase of a parking permit for economy lots does not guarantee a parking space. Space in these lots is on a first-come, first-served basis. An economy permit is valid only in an economy lot.

General parking

The purchase of a parking permit for general lots does not guarantee a parking space. A general permit is valid in general and economy lots (see the main parking map for locations).

Premium parking

A premium permit does guarantee a space, premium permit holders can park in any unmarked stall in the lot specified by your permit. Premium permits are only valid for the lot the permit was purchase for and cannot be used in any other premium or other designated parking lot on campus.

Reserved parking

A reserved permit is valid for a specific lot and a specific numbered stall only and is not valid in any other parking spaces on campus. Each numbered reserved stall—marked with a red and white sign—is assigned to one specific person and is not interchangeable.

If you find another vehicle in your reserved stall, you may park temporarily in any general or economy lot but not in a premium lot. Please don't take action against the vehicle; instead contact the parking office immediately (250-828-5368) to get the issue resolved and to ensure you are not ticketed while in a general or economy lot.

Reserved permit-holders are eligible to renew their current permits each year.

Visitor parking

Permits are not valid in any visitor parking lots. Gated visitor parking lot L2 is for pre-registered guests of TRU departments/units and is not available for hourly/daily visitors. Departments/units are required to register in advance with the Parking Office to have their guests park in L2. Unregistered users will be ticketed and/or towed.

Veteran parking

Anyone (staff, student or visitor) to the campus with veteran plates can park in either Economy, General or Visitor parking lots at no charge.

Need assistance?

If you need assistance with parking, please contact the Concord parking office at 250-828-5368 or visit the office in the Campus Activity Centre during regular business hours. If you need assistance after hours, please contact campus security at 250-828-5033 or visit the security kiosk in Old Main student street, which is open 24/7.

Overnight parking restricted

No person shall utilize a motor vehicle on university property as a dwelling space. No person shall occupy a parked vehicle on campus overnight, regardless of whether a valid parking permit is in use. A motor vehicle found in contravention of this shall be subject to a tow at the expense of the owner.

Overnight parking is only allowed in lots M, N, Z and XT, unless otherwise approved by the Parking Office. Lots NT and WH are gated overnight. Lot NT is closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Lot WH is closed from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Cancellation Policy

You are responsible for the cancellation of your parking permit unless the permit itself is set to expire.

When you cancel a permit, you are cancelling as of the beginning of the next billing period. As such, your credit card will NOT be charged for the next billing period and your parking permissions will remain intact until the end of your current billing period.

No refunds will be issued for cancellations made during a billing period. Cancellation will be in effect at the start of the next billing period. No refunds will be given for cancelled reserved parking permits.

Abuse of parking privileges, outstanding violations, or other misuse of the system may result in administrators cancelling your permit on your behalf.

Parking Violations

By bringing a vehicle onto the TRU Kamloops campus, users accept the application of TRU’s parking terms and conditions. Any vehicle in violation of these terms and conditions are subject to a parking violation. Parking violations will be $100. Violation tickets paid within 24 hours are $25 and tickets paid within seven days are $50.

Parking violations can be paid online through the violation management portal or in person at the parking office, during business hours, located in the Campus Activity Centre (CAC 141).

Vehicles with three or more unpaid violations at TRU may be towed. If your vehicle has been towed from TRU's campus, contact Mario's Towing Ltd at 250-374-8847. Mario's Towing is located at 726 Carrier Street.

Violation Disputes

If you believe you received a violation ticket in error, a dispute can be filed through the violation management portal. This is the first step for disputes.

Violation Appeals

If you believe the violation dispute decision was inappropriate you can appeal your violation through the TRU Parking Appeal and Advisory Committee (PAAC). PAAC is composed of students, faculty, and administrative members of TRU, to review appeals.

To appeal a violation dispute, submit the Parking Appeal Form and the $25 appeal fee within 10 calendar days of receipt of the violation notice. The appeal will not be heard by PAAC without the $25 appeal fee (per ticket). If successful, the appeal fee(s) will be refunded to the appellant and the violation ticket will be cancelled. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the appeal fee will not be refunded, and the parking violation ticket must be paid in full.

Prevent theft

Concord Parking Ltd. and Thompson Rivers University accept no responsibility for your vehicle or its contents. Please remove all items, use an anti-theft device, and lock your vehicle. To help prevent theft from vehicles, please ensure that valuables are not left in vehicles.

TRU campus is an idle-free zone

To reduce unnecessary air emissions and energy use, the TRU campus is an idle-free zone. The TRU Anti-Idling Guidelines set the following limitations for any vehicle operating on campus and for any TRU fleet vehicle whenever in operation.

  1. Vehicles shall never be left idling when unattended.
  2. Engine warm-up periods should not exceed one minute (provided air pressure for air brake systems are fully charged and all safety provisions are in place).
  3. Light–duty vehicles (passenger size) should be shut down whenever idling periods are expected to exceed one minute.
  4. Heavy-duty vehicles (such as buses and cargo trucks) should be shut down whenever idling periods are expected to exceed three minutes.

Exceptions, such as for emergency vehicles, are identified in point 4 of the guidelines.

Extensive research has shown that engine warm-ups should not last more than 10 seconds under average air temperatures. In extreme cold weather, a one-minute warm-up is appropriate. The best way to warm up a vehicle is to drive it gently to start with.

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