Grading Systems and Procedures
TRU grading systems are established for the purpose of reporting official course outcomes and are not intended to limit ways in which an Open Learning Faculty Member may choose to provide feedback to students during a course or program.
To assist with the determination of the appropriate final letter grade, Policy Number ED 3-5 (effective July 10, 2015) provides a numerical percentage range for each letter grade. Each letter grade has a numeric grade point value assigned.
Letter grades do not become official until they appear on the student's transcript. Instructors may notify students of unofficial course grades, but divisions and departments reserve the right to correct or adjust unofficial grades in order to maintain equity among sections and ensure conformity with divisional, departmental and TRU norms.
Grading Scale
Graduate Programs
Letter Grade | Numerical Grade | Grade Points | Letter Grade Definitions |
A+ A A- |
90-100 85-89 80-84 |
4.33 4.00 3.67 |
Excellent. |
B+ | 77-79 | 3.33 | Very Good. |
B | 73-76 | 3.00 | Good. |
B- | 70-72 | 2.67 | Marginal Pass. A passing grade indicating marginal performance. Student not likely to succeed in subsequent courses in the subject. |
F | 0-69 | 0.00 | Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary. |
DNC | 0.00 | Did not complete the course; less than 50% of course work completed or mandatory course component(s) not completed. No official withdrawal. |
Minimum pass for students in a graduate program: a student who receives a B- or lower in two or more courses will be required to withdraw regardless of their grade point average unless the program recommends otherwise. Individual programs may require a higher minimum passing grade.
Undergraduate Academic/Career/Developmental Programs
Letter Grade | Numerical Grade | Grade Points | Letter Grade Definitions |
A+ A A- |
90-100 85-89 80-84 |
4.33 4.00 3.67 |
Excellent. Superior performance showing comprehensive, in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates initiative and fluency of expression. |
B+ B B- |
77-79 73-76 70-72 |
3.33 3.00 2.67 |
Very Good. Clearly above average performance with knowledge of principles and facts generally complete and with no serious deficiencies. |
C+ C |
65-69 60-64 |
2.33 2.00 |
Satisfactory. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline. |
C- | 55-59 | 1.67 | Pass. Some understanding of principles and facts but with definite deficiencies. |
D | 50-54 | 1.00 | Minimal Pass. A passing grade indicating marginal performance. Student not likely to succeed in subsequent courses in the subject. |
F | 0-49 | 0.00 | Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary. |
DNC | 0.00 | Did not complete the course, less than 50% of course work completed or mandatory course component(s) not completed. No official withdrawal. |
Vocational Trades/Non-Trades Programs
Letter Grade | Numerical Grade | Grade Points | Letter Grade Definitions |
A+ A A- |
98-100 94-97 90-93 |
4.33 4.00 3.67 |
Excellent. Superior performance showing comprehensive, in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates initiative and fluency of expression. |
B+ B B- |
86-89 82-85 78-81 |
3.33 3.00 2.67 |
Very good. Clearly above average performance with knowledge of principles and facts generally complete and with no serious deficiencies. |
C+ C |
74-77 70-73 |
2.33 2.00 |
Satisfactory pass. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline, but with definite deficiencies. |
F | 0-69 | 0.00 | Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary. |
DNC | 0.00 | Did not complete the course; less than 50% of course work completed or mandatory course component(s) not completed. No official withdrawal. |
Other Grades
The following transcript notations are effective for courses with start dates of May 1, 2009 and onwards. The notations are used but not included in the calculation of the GPA for OL courses:
AUD (Audit) No credits granted.
CIP (Course in Progress) Indicates regularly scheduled one semester course is still being completed with final grade to follow.
COM (Complete) Assigned when competency-based work component, practica/work placements or pass/fail courses are completed.
CTN (Continuing) Multiple semester course - course continues into the next semester(s).
NCG (No Credit Granted) Used in competency-based courses to indicate course or program standard has not been met.
S (Satisfactory) Credit awarded for assessment of learning acquired outside an accredited post-secondary institution setting (i.e. prior learning assessment).
W (Withdrawal) Withdrawn from course according to established policy. No credit granted.
AEG (Aegrotat) A pass standing based on satisfactory term marks but student has been unable to complete all course requirements due to disabling illness or other circumstances. This standing is awarded only if the course instructor and the Dean agree that the student has demonstrated the capacity to be successful in the course.
Courses Delivered by OL
A. Students who have formally withdrawn from a course are assigned a “W” (Withdrawal) grade.
B. Students who complete some coursework but do not complete all mandatory coursework by the course completion date are assigned a “DNC” (Did Not Complete) grade.
C. Students who do not complete any coursework (assignments and final examination) by the course completion date and who do not submit a course withdrawal request with 13 weeks of the start of the course are considered to have not started the course. These students are assigned a “W” (Institutional Withdrawal) grade 30 days after the course completion date.
D. Students who complete all mandatory coursework by the course completion date are assigned an overall grade calculated with a zero grade assessed for all coursework outstanding.
E. A final grade is awarded after all components of the course are completed, or a student fails a mandatory component, or the course completion time has expired, or the dean (or designate) assigns a final grade.
F. Students can view their grades through myTRU.
G. All final course grades are entered into, and remain part of, a student's permanent record.
H. Any errors or omissions are to be reported to the Registrar upon notice of the grades. OL releases final grades four to six weeks after final examinations.
I. Students should contact the Registrar if they do not see or receive notice of their grade within 10 weeks after submitting all assignments and writing the final examination.
OL Courses Delivered by UVic
E. Final grades for OL courses delivered by UVic are assigned by the delivering institution and appear on the TRU transcript. A "DNC" (Did Not Complete) grade is assigned for courses that have not been completed.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
A. The grade point average (GPA) is a means of expressing the student’s performance. For programs offered by OL, GPAs are used only for determining whether or not a student has met graduation requirements and in the selection for some awards. The GPA of a group of courses is calculated by determining the grade point value for each course, multiplying the course credit value by the numerical equivalent of the grade, then adding up all the grade point values, and dividing by the total number of course credits.
PLAR credit is not used in the GPA calculation.
B. Where more than one attempt at courses deemed equivalent and used to fulfill program requirements has been made, the course with the higher grade is chosen for purposes of the GPA calculation.
A. An official transcript is a copy of a student’s detailed permanent record that bears the registrar’s (or designate’s) signature on security paper. After completing a course, students' grades are available via myTRU. Students may order official transcripts by accessing myTRU or by completing and submitting the Transcript Request form.
B. Official transcripts are not issued for any student who is in debt to TRU.