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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University


Register to write the ACCUPLACER on-campus in Kamloops (Wednesday mornings at 9:00) or at home using a virtual proctoring service (additional $28 USD) using our online registration. You can also write your ACCUPLACER at regional campuses.

ACCUPLACER is an integrated system of computer-adaptive assessments designed to evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. The ACCUPLACER Next Generation system consists of six main tests presented in a computer-adaptive mode. To determine what ACCUPLACER tests and scores are required for each program, go to the FAQ at the bottom of this page and click on "What scores do I need on the ACCUPLACER?" All tests are untimed except for WritePlacer, which has a one-hour limit. Basic calculators are permitted for all testing. For more information, including how to study for the tests and access to a free study app, please refer to the College Board ACCUPLACER Next Generation website.

At Thompson Rivers University, it is used for program admission, adult basic education, and English language assessment purposes.

ACCUPLACER Testing for Admission

The ACCUPLACER system consists of six main tests presented in a computer-adaptive mode. All tests are untimed except for WritePlacer, which has a one-hour limit. Basic calculators are permitted and provided for all testing. See the FAQ at the bottom of this page "What scores do I need on the ACCUPLACER?" to see which tests are required for your program. 

Programs that use ACCUPLACER for admission:

  • Aboriginal Health Career Program
  • Applied Business Technology
  • Applied Sustainable Ranching
  • Automotive Service Technician
  • Business Diploma in Management
  • Carpentry / Residential Construction / Joinery
  • Culinary Arts
  • Electrical
  • Heavy Mechanical
  • Industrial Instrumentation Mechanic
  • Millwright/Industrial Mechanic
  • Plumbing/Piping
  • Power Engineering
  • Refrigeration Mechanic
  • Retail Meat Processing
  • Welding

ACCUPLACER Testing for Placement into Adult Basic Education

Six ACCUPLACER tests (Next Generation) are used to assess the English and math skills of students enrolling in the Adult Basic Education program. All tests are untimed except for WritePlacer, which has a one-hour time limit.

Test Descriptions

The ACCUPLACER System is designed to provide placement, advisement, and guidance information for students entering Thompson Rivers University (TRU). A detailed description of each of the six main tests is provided below. More information, sample questions and a free study app are available at the College Board ACCUPLACER website.

English Tests

Reading Test

Each student taking this test will be presented with a series of 20 multiple choice questions. Questions are either discrete (standalone) or part of sets built around a common passage or passages. Four broad knowledge and skill categories are assessed:

  • Information and Ideas (reading closely, determining central ideas and themes, summarizing, understanding relationships)
  • Rhetoric (analyzing word choice rhetorically, text structure, point of view, purpose, arguments)
  • Synthesis (analyzing multiple texts)
  • Vocabulary
Writing Test

Each student receives 25 multiple choice questions. In answering the questions, test takers must determine the best revision or editing decision in a particular case (or that no change should be made to the passage as originally presented). Two broad knowledge and skill categories are assessed:

  • Expression of Ideas (development, organization, effective language use)
  • Standard English Conventions (sentence structure, usage, punctuation)
WritePlacer Test

For this test, examinees are asked to provide an on-demand writing sample in response to a specific prompt. Examinees have 1 hour to complete the writing sample. Each response is evaluated based on the following features of writing: focus, organization, development and support, sentence structure & mechanical conventions. Holistic scoring is used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the writing sample as evidenced by how well a piece of writing communicates a whole message. Each writing sample is evaluated based on its overall impression, not on the basis of the individual writing characteristics in isolation. Additional information about the WritePlacer test and writing samples are available on the College Board website

Math Tests

Arithmetic Test

This test consists of 20 multiple choice questions that focus on computation, order of operations, estimation and rounding, comparing and ordering values in different formats, and recognizing equivalent values across formats. The following knowledge and skill categories are assessed:

  • Whole number operations
  • Fraction operations
  • Decimal operations
  • Percent
  • Number comparisons and equivalents
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) Test

This test consists of 20 multiple choice questions that assess the following knowledge and skill categories:

  • Rational numbers
  • Ratio and proportional relationships
  • Exponents
  • Algebraic expressions
  • Linear equations
  • Linear applications and graphs
  • Probability and sets
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Geometry concepts for Pre-Algebra & Basic Algebra
Advanced Algebra and Functions Test

This test consists of 20 multiple choice questions that assess the following knowledge and skill categories:

  • Linear equations
  • Linear applications and graphs
  • Factoring
  • Quadratics
  • Functions
  • Radical and rational equations
  • Polynomial equations
  • Exponential and logarithmic equations
  • Geometry concepts for Algebra
  • Trigonometry


When does the ACCUPLACER testing take place?

Testing sessions take place every Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. at TRU Kamloops. For students living outside Kamloops, the ACCUPLACER test can be completed off-campus.

What scores do I need on the ACCUPLACER?
At TRU, the minimum scores required on the ACCUPLACER entrance tests are as follows:
Program Reading Writing WritePlacer Arithmetic Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics (QAS) Advanced Algebra & Functions
Aboriginal Health Care 240 240 4 245


Applied Business Technology 250 250
Applied Sustainable Ranching 250 250 5 260 245
Automotive Service Technician 250 260 245
Business Diploma in Management 270 250 235
Carpentry 240 240 260 245
Culinary Arts 230 245
Electrical 250 250 260 245
First Year English 250 250 5
Health Care Assistant 240 240 4
Heavy Mechanical 230 245 235
Industrial Mechanic
250 260 245
Instrumentation/Control Technician 250 250 260 245
Piping/Plumbing 250 260 245
Power Engineering 250 250 260 245
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 240 240 260 245
Retail Meat Processing 230 245
Welding 230 245 235
Note: these scores are based on a variety of validity studies and may change after subsequent studies.
Recommended scores for Adult Basic Education Courses:
ABE Course Level Reading Writing WritePlacer Arithmetic Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics (OAS) Advanced Algebra & Functions
First Year English 250 250 5
English 0600 240 240 4
English 0500 230 230 3
English 0400 220 220 2
First Year Math 270 250 235
Math 0600 level 260 245 220
Math 0500 level 245 235
Math 0400 level  230  220
Note: these scores are based on a variety of validity studies and may change after subsequent studies.
How do I interpret the scores?

The Reading; Writing; Arithmetic; and Quantitative Reasonings, Alegbra & Statistics (QAS) test scores are reported on a scale from 200 to 300.

The WritePlacer Score is reported on a scale from 0 - 8 with a description for each score. A score of zero indicates that the response was off topic, in a language other than English, too short to be evaluated, or in some other way not able to be scored.

How can I prepare for the ACCUPLACER Next Generation?
  • Determine what tests you will be writing according to the table in the second FAQ queston above.

  • Review detailed ACCUPLACER Next Generation test descriptions.

  • For more information, sample questions and access to a free study app, please refer to the College Board ACCUPLACER Next Generation website.

  • Additional tutoring is available through the TRU Peer Assisted Uprep Learning program (the P.A.U.L. Initiative), Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8 p.m. in Old Main, OM2551. No pre-registration is necessary, just show up with questions.

How much does the ACCUPLACER cost to write?

A $38 (+ GST) entry assessment testing fee must be paid before test results will be processed.

How do I register for the ACCUPLACER? What happens next?

Register to write the ACCUPLACER and pay the testing fee through our online registration system.

You must bring picture ID to the ACCUPLACER entry assessment on the established date to complete your test.

Scent-Free Notice: The Assessment Centre is a scent free work environment. Since many people are extremely sensitive to perfumes, colognes, aftershaves and other scented products, we request that no one wears them at anytime in the Centre. If a candidate does not comply with this policy, they will not be tested and they will be responsible for rescheduling their exam. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we need to ensure the safety of all using this space. 

After completing the entry assessment tests, you will be given a copy of your results.

An assessed copy of your results will be forwarded to the Admissions Office and/or the chairperson or lead instructor of the appropriate program.

The entry assessment test scores are valid for one year.

What if I need to rewrite the ACCUPLACER?

You may rewrite one or more of the ACCUPLACER tests after your initial attempt. It is highly recommended that you spend several weeks reviewing the subject matter before attempting the rewrite. If your scores on the rewrite still do not meet the program requirements, before you can attempt a subsequent rewrite, you must submit documentation indicating successful participation in an upgrading course or tutoring program (click here for a copy of the intervention form), or wait until at least one year has passed since the last testing session. The fee for a rewrite is $25 (+ GST).

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