Tourism Management Diploma

Explore your options with a two-year diploma that gives you a good sampling of the specialties you can take in Tourism Management. Students enrolled in Bachelor of Tourism Management who wish to exit the program upon completion of Year 2 can apply for this diploma.

 Suggested course of study

Year 1
Fall semester
CMNS 1810
Professional and Academic Composition (3,0,0)

CMNS 1810 Professional and Academic Composition (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students learn the theory and practice of successful academic and professional writing. Students compare and apply techniques involved in writing for business and academic purposes, learning skills in audience assessment, document planning and design, research, and effective writing. Students complete assignments ranging from academic essays to a variety of professional communication documents.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of CMNS 1810, CMNS 1291, ENGL 1810, CMNS 1811 or CMNS 1290
For more information, search for this course here.

MATH 1100
Finite Math with Applications 1 (3, 1.5, 0)

MATH 1100 Finite Math with Applications 1 (3, 1.5, 0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course is intended primarily for Liberal Arts or Tourism students. Students solve problems that have direct relevance in the “real world." Topics to be covered include sets, counting, probability, matrices, linear programming, and math of finance. Prerequisites: Foundations of Math 11 with a minimum grade of 67% (C+) or Pre-Calculus 11 with a minimum grade of 67% (C+) or Foundations of Math 12 with a minimum grade of 60% (C) or MATH 0510 with a minimum grade of C- or MATH 0520 with a minimum grade of C- or MATH 0523 with a minimum grade of C- or MATH 0650 with a minimum grade of C-
Note: Students can get credit for only one of the following MATH 1070, MATH 1071, MATH 1090, MATH 1091, MATH 1100 or MATH 1101. Science Students do not receive credit for Math 1100.
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 1110
Introduction to Tourism (3,0,0)

TMGT 1110 Introduction to Tourism (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course introduces tourism as an industry and a phenomenon. Topics will include the economic, social, environmental and political environment in which tourism operates at a global and local level. Students are introduced to tourism products and experiences in B.C. and given the opportunity to identify career paths in the tourism industry.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% or equivalent
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of TMGT 1110, TMGT 2600, CONV 1010 or CONV 1011.
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 1160
Organizational Leadership in Tourism (3,0,0)

TMGT 1160 Organizational Leadership in Tourism (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course is designed to address the changes occurring in the workplace today. As many of the graduates of this program will find themselves in supervisory positions within the tourism industry, the course will be delivered from the perspective of a supervisor and how he/she fits into today's organizations.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum 73% or equivalent or completion of ENGL 0600, or completion of ESAL 0570 and ESAL 0580 with a grade of C+ or better.
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BBUS 2720, BBUS 2721, ORGB 2810, ORGB 2811 or TMGT 1160.
For more information, search for this course here.

Winter semester
ACCT 1000
Financial Accounting (3,0,0)

ACCT 1000 Financial Accounting (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop a basic understanding of financial accounting, which involves recording a variety of financial transactions for an organization and then preparing and evaluating its financial statements. Topics include financial statements; accounting events and journal entries; accounting adjustments; internal controls and cash; accounts receivable; inventory purchases and sales; inventory costing methods; long-term assets, liabilities; shareholders' equity; statement of cash flows; and financial statement analysis.
Prerequisite: Admission to the Diploma in Horticulture and Management, Tourism programs, Adventure Studies programs
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of ACCT 1000, ACCT 1211, ACCT 1221, ACCT 2210, ACCT 2211, ACCT 1030, ACCT 1210, ACCT 1220, BBUS 2210 or BBUS 2211
For more information, search for this course here.

CMNS 2290
Technical Communication (3,0,0)

CMNS 2290 Technical Communication (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students study a variety of technical communications used to document professional activity, including proposals, technical and formal reports, policies and procedures, technical descriptions and definitions, and instructions. Students learn the importance of documentation and accountability as part of professional due diligence, applicable across many fields including journalism, business, government, public service, consulting and research institutes. Students develop skills in assessing communication needs in a scenario, identifying communication goals, audience need and relevant media. Finally, students learn skills in research and synthesis to ensure professional engagement and presentation of research material. Prerequisites: CMNS 1291 OR CMNS 1290 OR ENGL 1100 OR ENGL 1101 OR CMNS 1810
Note: Students cannot receive credit for more than one of CMNS 2290, ENGL 2290 AND CMNS 2291
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 1140
Human Resources Management (3,0,0)

TMGT 1140 Human Resources Management (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Changing values, shifting demographics, evolving legislation and a growing emphasis on social responsibility are among the forces shaping the way we manage people today. Students examine human resource management issues as they relate to human resource planning, the legal environment, recruitment, and selection, evaluation and development, compensation, and emerging labour issues and trends in the tourism industry.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% or equivalent, or completion of ENGL 0600, or completion of ESAL 0570 and ESAL 0580 with a minimum of C+
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BBUS 2810, BBUS 3810, BBUS 3811, HRMN 2820, HRMN 2821 or TMGT 1140.
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 1150
Tourism and Services Marketing (3,0,0)

TMGT 1150 Tourism and Services Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course explores the role, concepts and principles of marketing within the tourism industry. It examines market research and planning, product pricing and costing, packaging, promotion, service as a primary product, advertising methods, target marketing, factors in consumer preference and assessment of guest satisfaction.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum 73% or equivalent or completion of ENGL 0600, or completion of ESAL 0570 and ESAL 0580 with a minimum C+.
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of BBUS 2430, BBUS 3430, BBUS 3431, CONV 1060, CONV 1061, MKTG 2430, MKTG 2431 or TMGT 1150.
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 2060
People, Places and the Toured Landscape (3,0,0)

TMGT 2060 People, Places and the Toured Landscape (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students explore historical, geographical and cross cultural contexts for understanding tourism products, experiences and impacts.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% or equivalent, or ENGL 0600, or ENGL 0620 or completion of ESAL 0570 and ESAL 0580 with a minimum C+
For more information, search for this course here.

Summer semester
COOP 1170
BTM Co-op Work Term 1

COOP 1170 BTM Co-op Work Term 1

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course provides TRU students access to co-op education. Co-operative education integrates academic studies with paid periods of relevant work experience and provides students with the opportunity to develop specific competencies, professional skills and technical knowledge related to their field of study.
Prerequisite: COOP 1000
For more information, search for this course here.

Total credits for Year 1 — 33
Year 2
Fall semester
ECON 1220
Introduction to Basic Economics (3,0,0)

ECON 1220 Introduction to Basic Economics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students develop a basic understanding of economic principles, which allows for and encourages informed discussion of media-covered issues. Topics include contrasting macroeconomics and microeconomics; gross domestic product; economic growth and business cycles; unemployment and inflation; aggregate supply and demand; scarcity, opportunity costs, globalization and trade; law of supply and demand; accounting versus economic profits; money and exchange rates; government choices, markets, efficiency, and equity; monopoly and competition; externalities, public goods, and free riders.
Note: Students will not receive credit for ECON 1220 unless it has been completed prior to earning a grade of C- or better in either ECON 1900 or ECON 1950. Students will receive credit for one of ECON 1220 and ECON 1221.
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 2010
Financial Operations Control in Tourism (3,0,0)

TMGT 2010 Financial Operations Control in Tourism (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course offers students an understanding of how they can use managerial accounting skills in their careers in the tourism industry. Students use accounting information for decision making, planning and control in the areas of marketing, operations, human resources, strategic investment, business performance evaluation, and budgeting.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% or equivalent and ACCT 1000-Introduction to Financial Accounting
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of ACCT 1010, ACCT 2250, ACCT 2251, BBUS 2541 or TMGT 2010.
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 2250
Tourism and Hospitality Law (3,0,0)

TMGT 2250 Tourism and Hospitality Law (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

In this course, students are introduced to the legal rights, responsibilities and obligations of organizations in the hospitality industry. This industry operates under a combination of Common Law and Statute Law passed by both federal and provincial legislature. Emphasis is placed on the legal problems regularly faced by business firms within this industry and their possible solutions.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% or equivalent, or ENGL 0600, or ESAL 0570 with a minimum C+ and ESAL 0580 with a minimum C+
Note: Students may only receive credit for one of TMGT 2250, CONV 1050 or CONV 1051.
For more information, search for this course here.

Winter semester
One of three ECON
ECON 1900
Principles of Microeconomics (3,0,0)

ECON 1900 Principles of Microeconomics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine the interactions between individuals and firms in various types of markets. Topics include a definition of economics; demand and supply analysis; consumer theory; production and cost; market structure including perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly; market efficiency and market failure; resource markets; and international trade.
Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus Math 11 with a minimum B OR MATH 0510 or MATH 0530 or equivalent. Completion of one Foundations of Mathematics 12, or Pre-calculus 12 is highly recommended
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both ECON 1900 and ECON 1901
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 1950
Principles of Macroeconomics (3,0,0)

ECON 1950 Principles of Macroeconomics (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine economic behavour at the aggregate level, and the measurement and determination of national income. Topics include an introduction to economics; measuring macroeconomic variables including gross domestic product, unemployment, and inflation; the Keynesian model; aggregate demand and supply; money and banking; the money market; fiscal policy; monetary policy and the central bank; exchange rates and the balance of payments; and economic growth.
Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus Math 11 with a minimum B or MATH 0510 or MATH 0530 or equivalent. Completion of one Foundations of Mathematics 12, or Pre-calculus 12 is highly recommended.
Note: Students will only receive credit for one of ECON 1950 and ECON 1951.
For more information, search for this course here.

ECON 2220
Economics for Tourism, Recreation and Leisure (3,0,0)

ECON 2220 Economics for Tourism, Recreation and Leisure (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students examine tourism, recreation and leisure from an economic perspective and take the viewpoint of both the demand side and the supply side of the economy. Topics include organizations and markets, market structure and pricing, the role of the external economic environment, cost-benefit analysis for projects, the economic impact of the tourism sector on development, the global impacts on the tourism, recreation and leisure sectors, and the economic assessment of environmental impacts of tourism and sustainability.
Prerequisite: ECON 1220 or ECON 1900 and ECON 1950
For more information, search for this course here.

TMGT 2610
Environmental Issues in the Tourism Industry (3,0,0)

TMGT 2610 Environmental Issues in the Tourism Industry (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

The rapid growth of tourism on a global scale has resulted in significant negative environmental impacts, and there is increasing concern about the relationship between tourism and the environment, both natural and cultural. This course explores the challenges facing the tourism industry in attempting to create a balance between environmental and economic concerns. The rich history of the conservation movement and development of the national parks system provides a lens through which to understand the foundation of the North American tourism industry. In addition, students examine the current "greening" of the tourism industry.
Prerequisite: English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% or equivalent, or ENGL 0600, or completion of ESAL 0570 and ESAL 0580 with a minimum C+
For more information, search for this course here.

STAT 1200
Introduction to Statistics (3,1.5,0)

STAT 1200 Introduction to Statistics (3,1.5,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

Students are introduced to statistical reasoning in this course. Students will learn to interpret quantities relating to descriptive statistics; correlation; regression; probability; and probability distributions including the binomial and normal. Students will learn different facets of sampling and experimental design. Students will learn to make appropriate inferences from confidence intervals and hypothesis tests including analysis of variance. Prerequisites: Foundations of Mathematics 11 with a minimum grade of C+ or Pre-calculus 11 with a minimum grade of C+ or equivalent or Foundations of Math 12 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C+ or MATH 0510 with a minimum score of C- or MATH 0523 with a minimum score of C- or equivalent. MATH 1100 or MATH 1101 is recommended.
Note: Students can get credit for only one of BIOL 3000, ECON 2320, PSYC 2100, STAT 1200, STAT 1201, and STAT 2000.
For more information, search for this course here.

One of
EVNT 2190
Destination Marketing Organizations (3,0,0)

EVNT 2190 Destination Marketing Organizations (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

As tourism expands around the globe, new opportunities for destination marketing emerge. However, with these opportunities, come increasing competition and challenges for the destination marketer. The aim of this course is to provide the learner with some of the skills necessary to develop marketing strategies, build the destination's visibility and image and attract key market segments.
Prerequisite: TMGT 1150 or equivalent
Note: Students can only get credit for one of EVNT 2190, CONV 2190
For more information, search for this course here.

EVNT 2250
Sports Event Marketing (3,0,0)

EVNT 2250 Sports Event Marketing (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course is designed to introduce students to skills necessary to effectively market a sporting event. Students will learn how to develop a plan to target relevant markets including attendees, competitors and sponsors. Students will be exposed to business concepts such as product development, market opportunities and marketing plans.
Prerequisite: TMGT 1150 or equivalent
Note: Students can only get credit for one of EVNT 2250, CONV 2250
For more information, search for this course here.

HMGT 2120
Hotel Sales and Convention Services (3,0,0)

HMGT 2120 Hotel Sales and Convention Services (3,0,0)

Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus

This course provides insight into the scope and various segments of the groups market and demonstrates the relationship between professional service and operational success. Students will be given a comprehensive introduction to the complexities of managing a convention facility as well as exposure to key group markets and techniques for attracting them to the property.
Prerequisite: TMGT 1150 or equivalent.
Note: Students will only receive credit for one of HMGT 2120, BBUS 3450, BBUS 3451, MKTG 3450 or MKTG 3451.
For more information, search for this course here.

Elective: ADVG, EVNT, HMGT or TMGT courses
Total credits for Year 2 — 27
Total program credits — 60
  • Students taking just the diploma must use electives towards tourism courses.
  • Students planning to take the full BTM are able to take interdisciplinary electives.

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